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When the IFC's Board of Directors votes on matters brought before it, each executive director's vote is weighted according to derivatives finance total share capital of the member countries represented by that director. Although the IFC coordinates its click at this page in many areas with the other World Bank Group institutions, it generally operates independently as it is a separate entity with legal and financial autonomy, established by its own Articles of Agreement.

The IFC's investment services consist of loansequity, trade financederivatives finance loansstructured and securitized finance, client risk management services, treasury servicesand liquidity management. The IFC https://betterinfo2.com/exchanges/finance-adviser-near-me.php loans to derivatives finance and private article source generally with maturities of seven to twelve years.

The IFC may provide longer-term loans or derivatives finance grace periods if derivatives finance project is deemed to warrant it. Though loans have traditionally been denominated in hard currenciesthe IFC has endeavored to structure loan products in local currencies.

Local financial markets development is one of IFC's strategic focus areas.

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